Thursday, 16 March 2017

Its About Time - Kev_Diggy

Its about time we stand up, get these people off our backs, throw their game plans into chaos, break these chains enroute to destinys’ path. We royal we deserve more. We taking it back.
It hasn’t broken us, its making us; ive never really seen magic, but I’ve witnessed miracles. Miracles are made; I see a crown damn right I will grind for it; for my dreams, I’m still running laps for it; stones thrown at us, we used to build palaces; we Africans have survived the worst pain and abuse among the races on Earth; it only made us stroner, its about that time we stood up.

Its about that time we put the joy in our ancestors eyes, let them know they were not thrown into the seas for nothing, flogged to death, raped and abused, tortured with no mercy, murdered without reason; this generation of kings and queens must rise above all men and claim their throne. Time is off essence, the preaching is done, time is now.

We were written out of history books, aborted from time; the world has responded to our hospitality with hatred and anger, gave us pagan religions, ridiculed and killed our cultures, called them uncivilsed and fed us thrash as lifestyles. We are so close to extinction like being hooked up to a respirator but hurray; this generation has come and we will act. Congolese will walk free some day and own its own resources, dictators supported by their Mornarchs and corporates abroad will fall along with their masters, Nigeria will find stability, liberians will cry no more, citizens of FreeTown will trully be free and Egypt will rediscover new civilization and lead the world once more into Uhuru.

Haven't we proved it time and again? Trade and Business, Politics and Society, Sports and Entertainment, Rhythm and Poetry, Science and Invention, Intellectual brilliance mixed with our culture and tradition. The world doesn't need to fear us, extract from us, cheat, deceive, tell lies, enslave us, beware of us; we can share, let the world come with open arms and we shall accept them. The more we are pushed to the realization of our strength, the worse doomsday will be. No enslavement stays forever, slaves always become stronger than their masters, realize their realities and design an escape so deadly, the masters lose more than they ever gained. Africa has come close to that time. Economic Realities.

Africans have really tried, brainwashed by fake friends, following bad trends, false leadership, heart broken and deserted in times of need, brothers killing brothers, hunger, pagan religions, where is God? Whats our collective future? Are we doomed forever? Where is justice? Where is equality? Where is God? How did this happen to us? Our Ancestors made us now how do we repay them? Its about that time? We offended no one, we really do not deserve our todays' reality, its only wise we change it.

What must we actually do? Everyone ahead must grab the one behind, the stronger assist the strong, leadership must be us all, we must envision a vibrant future of what our future can be tomorrow. We must live inspired as visioners, the power of our collective vision must be without greed, not for one but for all; the dream, that magnificent tomorrow; we must recreate our African reality.

Time has come to ring it into our younger generation, the next generation must be involved in our Africa to come. Generations are becoming smarter by the decades. Its now never too late to enlist them into this dream and get them to buy into it. Generation next, its that time to stand up; we mUst get the oppressors off our backs.

Salutations to the Asian Tigers, they’ve made done something right; they’ve earned the right to be considered. Their self esteem as a collective has never been higher; trends predict the tigers will roar louder and lead the jungle with time.

I feel a crown awaits our generation if we only care to reach for it. What is life if not the legacy we leave behind, the melody of songs sang in honour of our deeds, poetry with names like Lumumba, malcomn X, the marleys, Gadaffis, the Ancestors who fought against slavers and invaders, books, Articles written of us as it is of Marcus Garvey, Amaru Shakur, King Jaja of Opobo, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Buddha; these legends are dead; Africa and the world needs a refill.

Make no mistake, we got a lot to prove, why are we the ones who have refused to evolve, we have been misrepresented by low lives, clowns, thieves, killers and destroyers; members of our race who really don’t car about us. This must be a real group plan of action with we knowing that us the living might not be here to reap the harvest of seeds sown today.

Determination of President Kagame had made Rwanda a model nation on the suffice of this earth, President Barack Obama was intellectually sound as the president of the strongest country on earth, Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka, Professor Asavia Wandira and other trail blazers of our recent history have showed us living icons that its possible to evolve to a new Africa.

Whats our moral code? The African brand? The eventual union of African states in forming one big economic and political bloc is a good start; we just need to make sure that it plays to our best benefits and not Western and Asian. It has always been a good idea to unify, we have always called for a sentimental brotherhood within all Africans. It must come down to explaining and taking information down to the grassroots of all Africans and explaining to them that whereas before now, we say a Tunisian as a foreigner, that Tunisian has become our Cousin brother and country man, where a west African saw a Rwandan as a far away east African, we could just as well see Rwandans and Tanzanian live beside us in Accra as a cousin brother and country man. Its possible for Africa to succeed together, we can use our intellect and belief system to rise and win global negotiating situations.


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