Sunday, 14 August 2016


Black People are Victims of the Most Elaborate Psychological Warfare Program in World History. It is a covert system of control.
Whenever the ruling white elites wants to brainwash an entire generation of people into thinking and behaving the way they want them to, the first step is to heavily demoralize them. They make the targeted population think less about themselves, their history and culture. Because the more ashamed of themselves that they becomes, the more compliant they also become with their oppressors dominance over their lives. This demoralization process is accomplished by constantly inundating the targeted population with negative and devaluing disinformation about themselves. This psychological warfare system is commonly practiced by the ruling elites. Moreover, it is presently being used to controls the Black masses.
We are the education we're taught, the books we read, the News we receive, and the movies that we watch. Because the white elites controls the educational system,TV media, and the movie industry this have allowed them to covertly indoctrinate black demoralizing messages into the subconscious minds of Black people. They do so without most of its Black victims even realizing what's actually being done to them. It is extremely naive to believe that information controlled entirely by the enemy isn't being manipulated for the benefit of the enemy.
It was deemed a necessity as a means of protecting the interests of the white dominant society that such a program be implemented against Black populations. The necessity of this programming is the real reason why Black populations constantly live under the umbrella of defamation of their characters as a group. By constantly inundating Black populations with negative disinformation about themselves, from entirely white sources, this convinces many Blacks to believe that they need whites to govern over their lives--therefore makes Black populations more compliant with white dominance over their lives. It is a covert system of control. This system is very effective because when Black people are presented with negative statistics, from trusted governmental sources, constantly telling them that whites are better than Blacks at virtually everything it can be very difficult to resist it's implied propaganda programming that whites are inherently better than blacks. Especially when the propaganda is being told daily and so unrelentingly.
It is surmised that this system was implemented in1969 after Kerner Commission Report found that the cause of the unprecedented civil unrest and violent protests among African Americans during the 1960's was due to blatant "white racism". Therefore using psychological warfare was the logical choice, for unlike the blatantly racist segregation systems that Blacks could easily identify- and unify-and form counter strategies against. this racist system is not easily comprehended nor recognizable by most of its Black victims. It was perfect for the changing times.
This system works by affecting the subconscious minds of Black populations through demoralizing deception. Its weapon is the demoralizing message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the Black recipients in terms of their behavior.
Here is a basic example of how this system works against Black populations: Imagine that a crew of people were out at sea aboard their a massive ship, and that it was being followed by another ship. A second ship that is following and constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first crew. Such messages as that the first crews ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group constantly receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting ship now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves.
The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of self hatred and inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even if their own ship was in fact better.
Within a real life setting this is precisely what is being done to Black populations. This Black racially demoralizing psychological warfare program is deplored like a massive media marketing campaign that constantly denigrates the Black brand while exemplifying the white brand. Its constant and unrelenting negative black depictions--that amplifies the negative to the point that it distorts reality--are designed to heavily demoralize its Black population.
As long as it remain the white elites that controls all statistics about Black people, they will always present disinformation that denigrates the Black population while exemplifying the white dominant society. Because to control a people you must first make them ashamed of themselves and culture. Within this program, fraudulent negative black racially devaluing misinformation and propaganda are being pumped unrelentingly into the unsuspecting minds of Black people [from totally white sources] without being challenged or counterbalanced by an equal amount of Black self loving messages. It's constant unrelenting negative Black racially devaluing depictions are designed to corrupt African American's sense of Black racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and division among their group that weakens their ranks. No group can be constantly subjected to seeing only fraudulent worse within themselves and not suffer some adverse affects.
"The oppressed will always believe the worst about themselves."
--Frantz Fanon
This is all possible because people are like a computers, all you have to do is keep giving them certain information every so often and you can persuade an entire country or nation towards an implied objective. Because perceptions created by the media leads to non-deliberate thoughtful decision-making or decision below the level of consciousness. It has been called "thinking without thinking", and it ultimately leads to unconscious similar behaviors. It doesn't matter if the information is true or not most will agree because they too have been given the same information. This mean that they that controls the national media also controls the collective brainstem of our society.
This program also conveys the message that Blacks have become their own worst enemy and should therefore admire, respect, and trust only Whites. It also perpetuates the myth of white superiority, while subliminally conveying the message that Blacks needs whites to govern over their lives. This program works so well in fact that it leaves many of its black victims totally admiring and loving whites while hating and blaming their own race. Some of its Black victims have been so totally demoralized that they are programmed to think and react within a self hating pattern. You cannot change their mind even if you expose them to authentic information. Even if you prove that white is not always correct and black is not always bad. You cannot change the basic perception and illogical behavior. In other words, for these people, the process of demoralization is complete. This racist system is so proficient that it not only brainwashes Black people to accept White dominance over their lives, it in many cases brainwashes them to in fact prefer it. It is at the root of both the profound division and self hatred now afflicting so many Black Americans and is at the heart of internalized feelings of superiority that many whites possess.
I'm trying to free your mind. But I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it.
-- Morpheus
This article is an excerpt from the book the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones.
The Black Matrix
Learn more at or visit the FaceBook page entitled The Black Matrix: Perception Management Program Designed to Control Black People.
The more that you empower yourself by reading, and learning of your true GREATNESS, the more resilient your mind becomes at resisting this Black racially demoralizing psychological warfare program. Learn your many truths to counter those black demoralizing lies told by whites to brainwash you.

By Franklin Jones
Author of The Black Matrix:perception management program designed to control Black people.

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